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EOS 850D Support
FAQ and troubleshooting

What can I do with Digital Photo Professional Express

Content Id: 8204492800


Digital Photo Professional Express is made for easy usage on the iPad. The main functions of Digital Photo Professional Express is as follows.

Note, there is no linkage functions between Digital Photo Professional Express and the PC version of Digital Photo Professional.

Main functions of Digital Photo Professional Express

Feature NameDigital Photo Professional ExpressDigital Photo Professional (PC)
Main FeatureSub Feature
Lens correctionShooting distanceYesYes
Diffraction correctionYesYes
Chromatic aberrationYesYes
Color blurYesYes
Peripheral illuminationYesYes
Trimming / AngleRotateYesYes
Picture styleYesYes
White balanceYesYes
Brightness / GammaBrightnessYesYes
Auto lightening optimizerYesYes
Gamma adjustmentYesYes
ToneAdjusting tone curveYesYes
Channel brightnessYesYes
Channel contrastYesYes
DetailNoise reductionYesYes
Unsharp maskYesYes
ColorColor adjustmentYesYes
Adjusting a specific color gamutYesYes
Edit historyYesNo
AF frame displayYesYes
Partial adjustmentsBrightnessNoYes
Reduce color moiréNoYes
Dual pixel RAW optimizerNoYes
Dust delete / copy stampNoYes
Compositing toolNoYes
HDR toolNoYes
Digital lens optimizerNoYes
Dust delete dataNoYes
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