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Your Digital Transformation Journey

A guide to cloud-based print services for goverment agencies.


Most businesses today are undergoing an evolution towards digitisation, which usually involves the adoption of cloud-based solutions – with many aspiring towards an eventual serverless environment.

Peoples’ expectations of businesses, and the services they provide, are on the rise. It’s common for IT teams to spend significant amounts of time managing and maintaining on-site infrastructure. This leads to inefficiencies and higher associated costs. As many businesses contemplate a long-term transition towards distributed or hybrid working environments, it’s becoming crucial to reduce the reliance on on-site infrastructure. 

Everything You Need To Know
About Cloud-Based Print Services

With the rise of hybrid working, cloud technology is becoming a crucial backbone of the new normal. Our guide delivers essential information to implement digital change successfully through the adoption of cloud-based print services.

From why print management should matter and the potential benefits that could be achieved, to managing security risks - this must read guide highlights why cloud-based print services are poised to help improve public sector agencies.

Our 20-page guide includes sections about:

•   The New Zealand Governments direction on cloud
•   The benefits of public cloud services
•   Why print management for government
•   Commercial flexibility
•   Reliability and cloud security
•   Case Study: Whānau Āwhina Plunket, and more.

Cloud-Based Print Service Guide Mock-up. 
Download Your Guide
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