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10 jobs that don’t yet exist, but will!

31st December 2014

With technology moving so quickly, the modern business landscape is set to change dramatically in the next few decades. According to top-rated futurist speaker Thomas Frey, by 2030 a predicted 2 billion jobs will disappear, but plenty of new ones will replace them. There’s work, Jim, but not as we know it....

1. Quantified self-assessment auditor

Say goodbye to traditional work appraisals. Quantified self-assessment auditors will scientifically monitor employees using “quantified self” technology – where even human characteristics such as creativity are measurable – then suggest how improving the self will enhance company efficiency. There’ll be no room for slacking.
2. Big-data analyser

As the ‘big data’ collected from sources such as social media and web browsers gets more complex, a new breed of big-data analysers will use competent new systems to decode and understand what it means, why it’s relevant and how it can translate into more confident decision making.
3. Dimensionalist

According to Forbes, the 3D printing industry will reach US$5.2 billion worldwide by 2020. Still in its infancy, the 3D printing trend is predicted to trigger big changes across multiple industries, including manufacturing, engineering and medicine. As top-level philosophers, dimensionalists will apply multidimensional thinking to develop creative new ways to use 3D technology in the business world.

4. Avatar relationship manager

It already makes sense logistically and financially for businesses to meet, brainstorm and finalise ideas and deals in the virtual world. But the power to create online identities with which to conduct business – and personal – relationships, and the sense of anonymity and protection this brings, can spell trouble. Enter the avatar relationship manager.

5. Crypto-currency regulator

If Bitcoin-esque crypto currencies are the future then, just like current banking systems, they’ll need to be regulated to ensure efficient, law-abiding practice. A crypto-currency regulator will monitor and assess the digital currency market, creating a degree of transparency in an arrangement which is, inherently, hidden.

6. Corporate-sharing manager

With the growth of the ‘share economy’, businesses are increasingly looking to opt in on a slice of real estate or resourcing, rather than gobbling up the whole pie. This philosophy can save money and avoid waste, but will need a corporate-sharing manager to oversee the strategy and logistics of it all.

7. Computer-personality designer

The demeanour of co-workers can make or break a job, but should we expect our PCs to have personalities too? The computer-personality designer will use sophisticated software to create ‘believable’ human characteristics for our machines. As the human-to-computer interface enhances, so will our efficiency.

8. Augmented-reality architect

As technology increasingly lets us manipulate and enhance our perception of reality, the real world will be pushed aside. The augmented-reality architect will design increasingly sophisticated products, services and experiences only available in the virtual world.

9. Dismantler

As society evolves, many government and private industries will inevitably become redundant. In an increasingly multinational, interconnected world, dissolving an entire industry will be a messy task. Luckily, we’ll have dismantlers on hand to fold everything up in the least disruptive way.

10. Gamification designer

Gamification makes boring stuff fun. Working with technologists, designers and business strategists, gamification designers will apply game logic to traditionally non-game products and services. Their skills will be a potent tool for businesses to engage customers.

The workplace of tomorrow will present myriad new opportunities. An exciting era of jobs is coming – and what was once considered science fiction will soon be considered business as usual.
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